Oratech News
Turkey-Lithuania Business Forum 9 December 2014 Istanbul, Turkey
Business Forum has started with the speeches of President of Lithuania Ms. Dalia Grybauskaite and Mr. Nail Olpak the Vice President of DEİK, Turkey. The main subject of the Business Forum was trade relations and new opportunities between Turkey and Lithuania. Presentations regarding, doing business in Lithuania, laser industry in Lithuania, alternate transportation opportunities in Lithuania were presented. Date:
04.05.2015 Reads Number: 13440  Source: Oratech
In press Thirdeye
Do not Informatics administer us, we administer Informatics
When we consider where Informatics Tecnologies been in the country, transitions is seem like uncontrolled.Even we don't see any problem in these transitions for now, this doesn't mean won't see the same thing in future.
Sultan Abdülhamit's project and Wikileaks
Fatih Ayhan Haktanır who is Oratechs CEO analyzed that clarified in Wikileaks in a different way for Burokrat News readers.
Greater Scoop to Terrorists
Tax scoop with parts import on mobile phone occurred one of the biggest source of PKK.
Terror team is produced illegal mobile phone by setting a company by means of terrorist in the mountain.
Oratech's Nigeria Visit
Oratech- Kazakistan Visit
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